Posts Tagged ‘responsible’

Accountability Question of the Week: I am accountable for whatever happens in my organization, regardless of how well I do my own job.

April 11, 2012

How can I be accountable for whatever happens in my organization?

Well the CEO and COO and others are. So why them and not you? Could be in how we define accountability. Could be that they are getting paid more. Pay me more and I will be more accountable?

To be accountable or responsible or to take greater ownership all we have to do is say “yes, I can impact nearly any situation at work”. I have that power. Each time I do not act on an opportunity to make an impact I cheat myself and my coworkers. These actions can be as simple as picking up trash without worrying who or how it got left in the wrong place. Listening and checking for understanding. Speaking up with a reality that others may not want to hear. Offering to help.

If you believed and acted as if you were accountable for whatever happens in your organization would your job become easier?

Am I Responsible for Everything?

February 9, 2012

“I am totally responsible when my organization is unsuccessful, even if my own performance is outstanding.”

Does this sound like you are responsible for everything? Could that work to “be responsible for everything”?

Probably not. On the other hand people “leave accountability on the table” every day. In very concrete terms if you go to work today and at work you see a trash can knocked over in an area and  its contents on the floor are you going to clean it up? If you said yes why is this situation your responsibility? If you said no why isn’t this situation your responsibility? By not cleaning it up you are making an active choice to leave it for someone else and you have chosen to not take ownership. If you do clean it up you are likely saying this is not right and I will ensure it gets fixed. Accountability and responsibility are about “doing the right thing” and “getting to the right outcome”.

So when a failure occurs in your organization are you responsible for that? What will  you choose to do to help?